(密歇根大学安娜堡分校 2020-2022)
Winter 2022: Math 215 – Multivariable and Vector Calculus
Co-advisor for undergraduate research project on numerical interpolation and curve fitting in Winter 2022
Fall 2021: Math 156 – Applied Honors Calculus II
Winter 2021: Math 471 – Introduction to Numerical Methods
Fall 2020: Math 115 – Calculus I
1. Y. Zhang, D. Gorsich, P. Jayakumar, and S. Veerapaneni, “Continuous-variable optimization with neural network quantum states“, Quantum Machine Intelligence. 2022
2. Y. Zhang and A. Gillman, “An alternative extended linear system for boundary value problems on locally perturbed geometries,” Journal of Computational Physics. 2021
3. Y. Zhang and A. Gillman, “A fast direct solver for two-dimensional quasi-periodic multilayered media scattering problems,” BIT Numerical Mathematics. 2020
4. Y. Zhang and A. Gillman, “A fast direct solver for boundary value problems on locally perturbed geometries,” Journal of Computational Physics. 2018