2006年武汉大学学士,2011年复旦大学发育生物学博士,2011-2018年美国Stowers研究所Sánchez Alvarado教授实验室(HHMI)博士后,2018年10月全职加入西湖大学生命科学学院。曾获吴瑞奖学金、强生亚洲生命科学优秀论文奖、教育部学术新人奖等荣誉。在Developmental Cell、Neuron、PNAS、Current Biology、Human Molecular Genetics、iScience、Cell Regeneration等期刊发表多篇研究论文,受邀在Cell Regeneration,Zoological Research以及中国细胞生物学学报撰写综述。
如何使受损和衰老组织再生出有功能的新组织,一直是生物学和临床医学面临的重大难题。利用模式生物研究生命活动的基本规律已经成为生物医学研究的重要手段。早在20世纪初,包括著名遗传学家摩尔根在内的许多科学家已经发现并开始研究涡虫的再生能力,摩尔根发现将涡虫切割至身体大小的1/279后,每一个组织块仍然可以再生为功能完整的新个体。这一惊人的再生能力来源于涡虫体内丰富的成体干细胞。低剂量γ射线照射可以杀死涡虫体内大量的干细胞,然而少至一个成体多功能干细胞就可以完成包括干细胞群在内的所有细胞类型的体内再生,这在经典模式动物(如果蝇、线虫、小鼠)、以及放、化疗病人中是很难实现的。我们系统性分析了多种细胞外信号通路对涡虫成体干细胞体内再生的功能,发现了EGF信号调控这一过程的分子机制,也是第一次证实了非对称细胞分裂在涡虫体内的重要作用(Developmental Cell,2016)。我们将以此为基础,进一步探索涡虫干细胞和组织再生的分子机制。
1. Chen, J. J. & Lei, K. The known, unknown, and unknown unknowns of cell-cell communication in planarian regeneration. Zoological Research. 44, 981-992, 2023.044 (2023).
2. Zhao, Y., Gao, C., Pan, X. & Lei, K. Emerging roles of mitochondria in animal regeneration. Cell Regeneration. 12, 14, (2023).
3. Lei, K.* #, Zhang W.#, Chen J., McKinney S., Ross E., Lee H.C., Sánchez Alvarado A.* Pluripotency retention and exogenous mRNA introduction in planarian stem cells in culture. iScience. Feb.17,2023 (cover story) (* co-corresponding authors; # co-first authors)
4. Niu K., Xu H., Xiong Z.Y., Zhao Y., Gao C., Seidel W. C., Pan X., Ying Y., Lei K. Canonical and early lineage-specific stem cell types identified in planarian SirNeoblasts. Cell Regeneration, 2021, 10(15).
5. Yang, Z.#, Li, L.#, Ling, J., Liu, T., Huang, X., Ying, Y., Zhao, Y., Zhao, Y., Lei, K.*, Chen, L.*, Chen, Z.* Cyclooctatetraene-conjugated cyanine mitochondrial probes minimize phototoxicity in fluorescence and nanoscopic imaging. Chem. Sci. 2020, 11:8506-8516. (* co-corresponding authors; # co-first authors)
6. Lei, K., McKinney S., Ross E., Lee H.C., Sánchez Alvarado A. Cultured pluripotent planarian stem cells retain potency and express proteins from exogenously introduced mRNAs. BioRxiv. March 12, 2019.
7. Davies, E., Lei, K., Seidel, C., Kroesen, A., McKinney, S., Guo, L., Robb S., Ross, E., Gotting, K., Sánchez Alvarado, A. (2017) Embryonic origin of adult stem cells required for tissue homeostasis and regeneration. eLife. 6:e21052.
8. Lei, K.*, Vu H., Mohan R., McKinney S., Seidel C., Alexander R., Gotting K., Workman J., Sánchez Alvarado A.* (2016) Egf signaling directs neoblast repopulation by regulating asymmetric cell division in planarians. Developmental Cell. 38(4):413-29. (* co-corresponding authors)
9. Lei, K., Zhu, X., Xu, R., Xu, T., Zhuang, Y., Han, M. (2012) Inner nuclear envelope proteins SUN1 and SUN2 play a prominent role in the DNA damage response. Current Biology. 22(17):1609-15.
10. Yu, J.#, Lei, K.#, Zhou, M., Craft, C., Xu, G., Xu, T., Zhuang, Y., Xu, R., Han, M. (2011) KASH protein Syne-2/Nesprin-2 and SUN proteins SUN1/2 mediate nuclear migration during mammalian retinal development. Human Molecular Genetics. 20(6):1061-73. (# co-first authors)
11. Zhang, X, Lei, K., Yuan, X., Wu, X., Zhuang, Y., Xu, T., Xu, R., Han, M. (2009) SUN1/2 and Syne/Nesprin-1/2 complexes connect centrosome to the nucleus during neurogenesis and neuronal migration in mice. Neuron. 64(2):173-87.
12. Lei, K.#, Zhang, X.#, Ding, X., Guo, X., Chen, M., Zhu, B., Xu, T., Zhuang, Y., Xu, R., Han, M. (2009) SUN1 and SUN2 play critical but partially redundant roles in anchoring nuclei in skeletal muscle cells in mice. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 106(25): 10207–12. (# co-first authors)
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