
我们欢迎拥有各种学术背景的杰出学者、研究员和年轻科学家。到 2026 年,西湖大学预计将拥有 300 名助理教授、副教授和正教授(包括讲座教授),600 名研究、教学、技术支持和行政人员以及 900 名博士后研究员。



Tian XU, Ph. D.






许田, 1982年复旦大学学士,1990年耶鲁大学博士 , 1990-1993年加州大学伯克利分校博士后。1993-2018年历任耶鲁大学遗传学和神经生物学助理教授、副教授、终身教授、C.N.H. Long讲席教授,2003-2018年任耶鲁大学遗传学系副系主任,2001-2013年任耶鲁大学校长顾问。1997-2018年任霍华德休斯医学研究院研究员。2018年4月全职加入西湖大学,任遗传学讲席教授、副校长。国务院侨办专家咨询委员会委员、海协会理事、美国科学促进会成员(AAAS Fellow)。曾任华人生物学家协会主席。曾获美国优秀博士后奖(Whitney)、优秀青年科学家学者(Pew)、结节性硬化症协会创新奖和杰出贡献等奖。对教育情有独钟,其主持遗传学课是二十年来耶鲁最热门课程之一。获耶鲁优秀博士论文导师、美国索恩本遗传讲座奖。1996年起每年在复旦、科学院等大学和院所讲学。创建复旦发育生物学研究所。获全国优秀博士论文导师、全国青年发明奖导师、复旦大学校长奖、上海自然科学一等奖和白玉兰纪念等奖。积极推动中美交流,长期担任耶鲁校长中国事务顾问,推动耶鲁与中国重新建立密切友好关系,为美国科技教育界与中国交流作出表率。推动和参与耶鲁与中国各项交流和合作,包括大学校长研讨班、高级领导研讨班、高级女干部研讨班、胡锦涛主席访问耶鲁、耶鲁百人访华等活动。曾任美中前沿科学交流委员会美方主席 。


许田教授主要开展生长调控领域和遗传学方法的研究,为生长调控领域的创始人之一,该领域的重要调控基因和信号转导通道均为其实验室首先发现,为发育和疾病提供新理论和机理,为癌症和十多种罕见病诊断和二十多种药物的研发作出贡献。拥有几十项国际专利,哺乳动物转座子和镶嵌遗传分析等多项发明为全世界广为应用,并成功产业化。2002-2018年担任罗斯伯格研究所/孵化器科学委员会主席,富有成效地推动了生物科技产业化,多家科技公司的创始人和顾问。曾长期担任Cell、Annual Review of Genetics、Molecular Cancer Research、iBiology、The International Journal of Biological Sciences等杂志编委,Disease Models and Mechanisms创刊编委。


1. Pan Y, Chang H, Landrette S, Yang D, Ding S, Liu L, Tian L, Li D,Xu T*. Efficient genome-wide first-generation phenotypic screening system in mice usingpiggyBactransposon.PNAS2019, In Press.
2. Dunn BS, Rush L, Lu JY,Xu T*. Mutations in the tricellular junction protein M6 synergize with to induce apical cell delamination and invasion.PNAS2018,115(33),8358-8363
3. Chabu C, Li DM,Xu T*. EGFR/ARF6 regulation of Hh signalling stimulates oncogenic Ras tumour overgrowth.Nature Communications2017,8: 14688
4. Jin Y, Chen Y, Zhao S, Guan KL, Zhuang Y, Wu X,Xu T*. DNA-PK Facilitates piggyBac Transposition by Promoting Paired-End Complex Formation.PNAS2017, 11;114(28):7408-7413.
5. Willsey RH, Zheng X, Carlos Pastor-Pareja J, Willsey AJ, Beachy PA,Xu T*. Localized JNK signaling regulates organ size during development.elife. 2016, 14;5.
6. Olds WH &Xu T*. Regulation of Food Intake by Mechanosensory Ion Channels in Enteric Neurons.eLife2014, 6;3.
7. Pastor-Pareja JC &Xu T*. Shaping cells and organs in Drosophila by opposing roles of fat body-secreted Collagen IV and Perlecan.Development Cell2011, 21(2):245-56.
8. Wu M, Pastor-Pareja JC,Xu T*. Interaction between Ras(V12) and scribbled clones induces tumour growth and invasion.Nature2010, 463(7280): 545-U165
9. Igaki T., Pastor-Pareja, JC., Aonuma, H., Miura M. andXu T*. Intrinsic tumor suppression and epithelial maintenance by endocytic activation of Eiger/TNF signaling in Drosophila.Development Cell2009, 16(3):458-65.
10. Xue L, Igaki T, Kuranaga E,Kanda H,Miura M,Xu T*. Tumor suppressor CYLD regulates JNK-induced cell death in Drosophila.Developmental Cell2007,13(3): 446-454.
11. Ding S, Wu X, Li G, Han M, Zhuang Y,Xu T*. Efficient transposition of the piggyBac (PB) transposon in mammalian cells and mice.Cell2005,122(3): 473-483
12. Yang XL, Yu KP, Hao YW, Li D-M, Stewart R, Insogna KL,Xu T*. LATS1 tumor suppressor affects cytokinesis by inhibiting LIMK1.Nature Cell Biology2004, 6:609-617. PMID:15220930.
13. Pagliarini RA,Xu T*. A genetic screen in Drosophila for metastatic behavior.Science2003,302(5648): 1227-1231
14. Potter CJ, Pedraza LG,Xu T*. Akt regulates growth by directly phosphorylating Tsc2.Nature Cell Biology2002, 4(9): 658-665
15. Zhang S, Xu L, Lee J,Xu T*.DrosophilaAtrophin homolog functions as a transcriptional co-repressor in multiple developmental processes.Cell2002, 108:45-56.
16. Potter CJ, Huang H,Xu T*. Drosophila Tsc1 functions with Tsc2 to antagonize insulin signaling in regulating cell growth, cell proliferation, and organ size.Cell2001, 105:357-368.
17. Tao W, Zhang S, Turenchalk GS, Stewart RA, St. John MAR, Chen W,Xu T*. Human homologue of the Drosophila melanogaster lats tumour suppressor modulates CDC2 activity.Nature Genetics1999, 21:177-181.
18. St. John MAR, Tao W, Fei X, Fukumoto R, Carcangiu ML, Brownstein DG, Parlow AF, McGrath J,Xu T*. Mice deficient for Lats1 develop soft tissue sarcomas, ovarian tumors and pituitary dysfunction.Nature Genetics1999, 21:182-186.
19. Huang H, Potter CJ, Tao W, Li D-M, Brogiolo W, Hafen E, Sun H,Xu T*. PTEN affects cell size, cell proliferation and apoptosis during Drosophila eye development.Development1999, 126: 5365-72.
20. Rooke J, Pan D,Xu T*, Rubin GM. KUZ, a conserved metalloprotease/disintegrin protein, plays two distinct roles duringDrosophilaneurogenesis.Science1996, 273:1227-1231. PMID: 8703057.
21.Xu T*, Wang W, Zhang S, Stewart RA, Yu W. Identifying tumor suppressors in genetic mosaics: theDrosophilalats gene encodes a putative protein kinase.Development1995, 121:1053-1063.
22.Xu Tand Rubin GM. Analysis of genetic mosaics in developing and adultDrosophilatissues.Development1993, 117:1223-1237.



