1999-2003 清华大学工程力学系 学士,优秀毕业生,提前毕业
2003-2005 麻省理工学院(MIT)机械工程系 硕士
2005-2010 Harvard-MIT健康科学与技术系(HST) 博士
2010-2011 MIT地球,大气与行星科学系/麻省总医院 博士后
2011-2016 清华大学生命科学学院 助理教授
2016-2019 清华大学生命科学学院 长聘副教授
2019-2022 清华大学生命科学学院 长聘教授
2022至今 西湖大学生命科学学院 镜像生物学讲席教授
1. Xu Y, Zhu TF*. Mirror-image T7 transcription of chirally inverted ribosomal and functional RNAs. Science, 378:405-412, (2022).
2. Chen J, Chen M, Zhu TF*. Directed evolution and selection of biostable L-DNA aptamers with a mirror-image DNA polymerase. Nature Biotechnology, 40:1601-1609, (2022).
3. Fan C#, Deng Q#, Zhu TF*. Bioorthogonal information storage in L-DNA with a high-fidelity mirror-image Pfu DNA polymerase. Nature Biotechnology, 39:1548-1555, (2021).
4. Chen J, Chen M, Zhu TF*. Translating protein enzymes without aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases. Chem, 7:786-798, (2021).
5. Ling JJ#, Fan C#, Qin H, Wang M, Chen J, Wittung-Stafshede P, Zhu TF*. Mirror-image 5S ribonucleoprotein complexes. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 59:3724-3731, (2020).
6. Wang M#, Jiang W#, Liu X#, Wang J#, Zhang B, Fan C, Liu L, Pena-Alcantara G, Ling JJ, Chen J, Zhu TF*. Mirror-image gene transcription and reverse transcription. Chem, 5:848-857, (2019).
7. Liu X, Zhu TF*. Sequencing mirror-image DNA chemically. Cell Chemical Biology, 25:1151-1156, (2018).
8. Jiang W#, Zhang B#, Fan C#, Wang M#, Wang J, Deng Q, Liu X, Chen J, Zheng J, Liu L*, Zhu TF*. Mirror-image polymerase chain reaction. Cell Discovery, 3:17037, (2017).
9. Xu W#, Jiang W#, Wang J#, Yu L#, Chen J, Liu X, Liu L*, Zhu TF*. Total chemical synthesis of a thermostable enzyme capable of polymerase chain reaction. Cell Discovery, 3:17008, (2017).
10. Wang Z#, Xu W#, Liu L*, Zhu TF*. A synthetic molecular system capable of mirror-image genetic replication and transcription. Nature Chemistry, 8:698-704, (2016).
*Corresponding author(s)
#Equal contributions