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Jiyuan Han, Ph.D.

Jiyuan Han, Ph.D.

Jiyuan Han, Ph.D.

School of Science


School of Science


A mathematician is a machine for turning coffee into theorems.


Jiyuan Han received his Bahelor degrees in Mathematics and in Computer Science from University of Wisconsin Madison in 2013, and a Ph.D degree in Mathematics in 2018. He then worked at Purdue University as Golomb Visiting Assistant Professor of Mathematics from 2018-2021. He joined Westlake University in September 2021.


Jiyuan Han's research interests are in Differential Geometry, especially in Kähler Geometry.

Representative Publications

1. Han, J. , and Viaclovsky J. A. , "Deformation theory of scalar-flat kähler ALE surfaces." American Journal of Mathematics 141.6 (2016).

2. Han, J. , and Viaclovsky, J. A. , "Local moduli of scalar-flat Kähler ale surfaces." (2018).

3. Han, J. , and Viaclovsky, J. A. , "Existence and compactness theory for ale scalar-flat kähler surfaces."Forum of Mathematics Sigma, 8 (2018).

4. Han, J. , and Li, C. , "On the yau-tian-donaldson conjecture for generalized Kähler-ricci soliton equations." Commun. Pur. Appl. Math., to be published.

5. Han, J. , and Li, C. ,"Algebraic uniqueness of Kähler-Ricci flow limits and optimal degenerations of Fano varieties." Geometry and Topology, to be published.

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