“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” – Benjamin Franklin
Yabin Zhang received her Bachelor’s degree in Applied Mathematics from UCLA in 2015 and her PhD in Computational and Applied Math from Rice University in 2020. In fall 2020, she joined the Mathematics Department at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor as a Postdoctoral Assistant Professor, during which she taught undergraduate and graduate math courses, mentored undergraduate research projects, and worked on research projects in both quantum computing and classical numerical methods for various applications.
Representative Publications
1. Y. Zhang, D. Gorsich, P. Jayakumar, and S. Veerapaneni, “Continuous-variable optimization with neural network quantum states“, Quantum Machine Intelligence. 2022
2. Y. Zhang and A. Gillman, “An alternative extended linear system for boundary value problems on locally perturbed geometries,” Journal of Computational Physics. 2021
3. Y. Zhang and A. Gillman, “A fast direct solver for two-dimensional quasi-periodic multilayered media scattering problems,” BIT Numerical Mathematics. 2020
4. Y. Zhang and A. Gillman, “A fast direct solver for boundary value problems on locally perturbed geometries,” Journal of Computational Physics. 2018
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