
At Westlake, we welcome talented people, outstanding scholars, research fellows, and young scientists from all backgrounds. We expect to have a community of 300 assistant, associate, and full professors (including chair professors), 600 research, teaching, technical support and administrative staff, and 900 postdoctoral fellows by 2026.

Liang GAO, Ph.D.

Liang GAO, Ph.D.

Liang GAO, Ph.D.

School of Life Sciences

School of Life Sciences


“We appreciate the privilege granted to us in the Westlake University to develop advanced tools and technologies to facilitate fundamental life science researches and to reveal the beauty of nature. Our mission is to honor the support with our best research efforts.”


Liang  GAO received his B.S. and M.S. degree from the Tsinghua University in 2000 and  2003. He received his Ph.D. degree with Dr. R. Graham Cooks from the Purdue  University in 2009. He did his postdoctoral research with Dr. Eric Betzig in the  Janelia Research Campus of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute from 2010 to  2013. He was an assistant professor in the State University of New York at Stony  Brook from 2014 to 2016 and a lead research scientist in the Intelligent Imaging  Innovations, Inc. from 2017 to 2018 before he joined the Westlake University as  an associate professor in 2019.


Research Interests

Our current research is focused on  the development of novel fluorescence imaging techniques and quantitative image  analysis methods, in order to image  biological processes at high spatial and temporal resolution and understand  biological behaviors and structures quantitatively. We are specifically  interested in the following research directions at this  moment.

1. Quantitative understanding of cell  behaviors in multicellular environments using c. elegans embryos, zebrafish embryos and  mouse embryos as animal models.

2. High resolution, high throughput 3D  imaging and interpretation of tissue structures.

3. High throughput, quantitative  analysis of large size biomedical 3D images.

Research Highlights  

Commercial Microscopes use our  technology

· Nuohai Life Science, LS18 light  sheet microscope.

· Intelligent Imaging Innovations,  Inc., Cleared Tiling Lightsheet microscope.

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Nature Methods, “Tunable light sheet  microscopy”, 2016, 6

An  editor review about the tiling light sheet selective plane illumination  microscopy (TLS-SPIM, patented) developed in my lab at the Stony Brook  University. It is an effective light sheet microscopy technique enables low  invasive 3D fluorescence imaging of multicellular specimens at high spatial and  temporal resolution. The technique is under commercialization by multiple  companies.


Nature Methods, “Bessel beams beyond  the limit”, 2013, 10

An  editor review on the Bessel beam structured illumination microscopy technique I  developed with Dr. Eric Betzig in the Janelia Research Campus of HHMI during my  postdoctoral research. It is the first light sheet microscopy technique that  allows high speed, live 3D fluorescence imaging beyond the diffraction  limit.

Nature Methods, “Imaging life with  thin sheets of light”, 2012, 9(1).

Nature, “Seeing cells with sheets of  light”, 2011, 471, 268.

Nature Biotechnology, “Bessel beams  for light relief”, 2011, 29(4).

BBC News, “Light sheets image life  in 3D”, 03/07/2011.

HHMI News, “New microscope produces  dazzling 3D movies of live cells”, March 04, 2011.

Editor  reviews and news reports on the Bessel beam plane illumination microscopy  technique I worked on with Dr. Planchon Thomas and Dr. Eric Betzig in the  Janelia Research Campus of HHMI during my postdoctoral research. It is the first  light sheet microscopy technique that allows low invasive, high speed 3D  fluorescence imaging of biological processes at submicron isotropic 3D spatial  resolution.


DPAI used in the ExoMars rover  “ROSALIND FRANKLIN”

Our  invention, the discontinuous atmospheric pressure interface (DAPI), was used in  the Mars Organic Molecule Analyzer (MOMA) of the latest ExoMars rover, “ROSALIND  FRANKLIN”, to introduce ions from the Mars atmosphere to the mass analyzer  vacuum chamber. The rover will be sent to the Mars in July 2020. (http://exploration.esa.int/mars/45103-rover-instruments)

Chemical & Engineering News /  Science & Technology / Concentrates, “Interface boosts MS performance”, May  19, 2008, 86(20), 39-40.

A news  report about a discontinuous atmospheric pressure interface (DAPI, patented) I  invented in the Purdue University during my Ph.D. study. It allows efficient ion  introduction from atmospheric pressure environments to high vacuum environments  with very limited pumping capacities.

Representative Publications

1. Feng, R.L., Wang D.Y., Chen, Y.L., Lu J., Gao, L.,*(2021) “Protocol for constructing a versatile tiling light sheet microscope for imaging cleared tissues”, STAR Protocols, 2, 100546.

2. Chen, Y.L., Li, X.L., Zhang, D.D., Wang, C.H., Feng, R.L., Li, X.Z., Wen, Y., Xu, H., Zhang, Shirley X.Y., Yang, X., Chen, Y.Y., Feng, Y., Zhou, B., Chen, B.C., Lei, K., Cai S., * Jia, J.M., * Gao, L.,* (2020) “A Versatile Tiling Light Sheet Microscope for Imaging of Cleared Tissues”, Cell Reports, 33:108349. (*Corresponding Author)

3. Wang, D.Y., Jin, Y.X., Feng, R.L., Chen, Y.L., Gao, L.,* (2019) “Tiling light sheet selective plane illumination microscopy using discontinuous light sheets”, Optics Express, 27(23), 34472-34483.


4. Tsai, Y.C., Tang, W.C., Low, C.S.L., Liu, Y.T., Wu, J.S., Lee, P.Y., Chen, Q.L., Lin, Y.L., Kanchanawong, P., Gao, L.,* Chen, B.C.* (2019) “Rapid high resolution 3D imaging of expanded biological specimens with latticelight sheet microscopy”, Methods, in press. (*Co Corresponding Author)

5.Gao, L.,* Tang, W.C., Tsai, Y.C., Chen, B.C.* (2019) “Lattice light sheet microscopy using tiling lattice light sheets”, Optics Express, 27(2), 1497-1506. (*Co Corresponding Author)

6. Jing, D., Zhang, S., Luo, W., Gao, X., Men, Y., Ma, C., Liu, X., Yi, Y., Bugde, A., Zhou, B.O., Zhao, Y., Yuan, Q., Feng, J.Q., Gao, L., Ge, W.P., Zhao, H. (2018) “Whole body tissue clearing and imaging with the PEG Associated Solvent System (PEGASOS)”, Cell Research, 28, 803-818.

7. Fu, Q., Martin, B., Matus, D., Gao, L., (2016) “Imaging multicellular specimens with real-time optimized tiling light sheet selective plane illumination microscopy”, Nature Communications, 7:11088.

8. Gao, L., (2015) “Extend the field of view of selective plane illumination microscopy by tiling the excitation light sheet”, Optics Express, 23(5), 6102-6111.

9. Gao, L., (2015) “Optimization of the excitation light sheet in selective plane illumination microscopy”, Biomedical Optics Express, 6(3), 881-890.

10. Gao, L.,* Shao, L., Chen, B.C., Betzig, E. (2014) “3D Live Fluorescence Imaging of Cellular Dynamics Using Bessel Beam Plane Illumination Microscopy”, Nature Protocols, 9, 1083-1011. (*Corresponding Author, Cover article)

11. Wang, D., Meza, D. Wang, Y. Gao, L., Liu, J.T.C. (2014) “Sheet-scanned dual axis confocal (SS-DAC) microscopy using Richardson-Lucy deconvolution”, Optics Letters,39, 5431-5434

12. Gao, L., Shao, L., Higgins, D.C., Poulton, J.S., Peifer, M., Davidson, M.D., Wu, X., Goldstein, B., and Betzig, E. (2012) “Noninvasive imaging of 3D dynamics in thickly fluorescent specimens beyond the diffraction limit”, Cell, 6, 1370-1385.

13. Planchon, T.A.,* Gao, L.,* Milkie, D.E., Davidson, M.W., Galbraith, J.A., Galbraith, C.G., Betzig, E. (2011) “Rapid three-dimensional isotropic imaging of living cells using Bessel beam plane illumination”, Nature Methods, 8, 417-423. (*Equal Contribution, Cover article)

14. Majoul, I., Gao, L., Eric Betzig, Onichtchouk, D., Butkevich, E., Kozlov, Y., Bukauskas, F., Bennett, M.V.L., Lippincott-Schwartz, J., Duden, R. (2013) “Fast structural responses of gap junction membrane domains to AB5 toxins”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 110(44), E4125-33.

15. Roh-Johnson, M., Shemer, G., Higgins, C.D., McClellan, J.H., Werts, A.D., TuLu, U.S., Gao, L., Betzig, E., Kiehart, D.P., Goldstein, B. (2012) “Triggering  a cell shape changes by exploiting pre-existing actomyosin constractions”, Science, 335, 1232-1235.

16. Legant, W.L., Choi, C.K., Miller, J.S., Shao, L., Gao, L., Betzig, E., Chen, C.S. (2012) “Multidimensional traction force microscopy reveals rotational moments about focal adhesions”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 110(3), 881-886.

17. Thievessen, I., Fakhri, N., Steinwachs, J., Kraus, V., Mclsaac, R.S., Gao, L., Chen, B.C., Baird, M.A., Davidson, M.W., Betzig, E., Oldenbourg, R., Waterman, C.M., Fabry, B. (2015) “Vinculin is required for cell polarization, migration, and extracellular matrix remodeling in 3D collagen”, FASEB Journal, 14-268235.

18. Ritter, A.T., Asano, Y., Stinchcombe, J.C., Dieckmann, N.M.G., Chen, B.C., Gawden-Bone, C., van Engelenburg, S., Legant, W., Gao, L., Davidson, M.W., Betzig, E., Lippincott-Schwartz, J., Griffitys, G.M. (2015) “Actin depletion initiates events leading to granule secretion at the immunological synapse”, Immunity, 42(5), 864-876.

19. Gao, L., Li, G., Cooks, R.G. (2010) “Axial CID and high pressure resonance CID in a miniature ion trap mass spectrometer using a discontinuous atmospheric pressure interface”, Journal of The American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 21, 209-214.

20. Gao, L., Li, G., Cyriac, J., Nie, Z., Cooks, R.G. (2010) “Imaging of surface charge and the mechanism of desorption electrospray ionization mass spectrometry”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 114, 5331-5337.

21. Gao, L., Li, G., Nie, Z., Duncan, J., Ouyang, Z., Cooks, R.G. (2009) “Characterization of a discontinuous atmospheric pressure interface. Multiple ion introduction pulses for improved performance”, International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 283, 30-34.

22. Gao, L., Sugiarto, A., Harper, J.D., Cooks, R.G., Ouyang, Z. (2008) “Design and characterization of a multisource hand-held mass spectrometer”, Analytical Chemistry, 80, 7196-7205. (Accelerated Article, Cover article)

23. Gao, L., Cooks, R.G., Ouyang, Z. (2008) “Breaking the pumping speed barrier in mass spectrometry: Discontinuous Atmospheric Pressure Interface”, Analytical Chemistry, 80, 4026-4032.

24. Gao, L., Song, Q., Noll, R.J., Duncan, J., Cooks, R.G., Ouyang, Z. (2007) “Glow discharge electron impact ionization source for miniature mass spectrometers”, Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 42, 675-680.

25. Gao, L., Song, Q., Patterson, G.E., Cooks, R.G., Ouyang, Z., (2006) “Handheld rectilinear ion trap mass spectrometer”, Analytical Chemistry, 78, 5994-6002. (Accelerated Article)

26. Cyriac, J., Wleklinski, M., Li, G., Gao, L., Cooks, R.G. (2012) “In situ Raman spectroscopy of surfaces by ion soft landing”, Analyst, 137, 1363-1369.

27. Li, G., Cyriac, J., Gao, L., Cooks, R.G. (2011) “Molecular ion yield enhancement in static secondary ion mass spectrometry by soft landing of protonated water clusters”, Surface and Interface Analysis, 43, 498-501.

28. Clare, A.T., Gao, L., Brkić, B., Paul R. Chalker, Taylor, S. (2010) “Linear ion trap fabricated using rapid manufacturing technology”, Journal of The American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 21, 317-322.

29. Song, Q., Xu, W., Smith, S.A., Gao, L., Chappell, W.J., Cooks, R.G., Ouyang, Z. (2010) “Ion trap mass analysis at high pressure: an experimental characterization”, Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 45, 26-34.

30. Huang, G., Gao, L., Duncan, J., Harper, J.D., Sanders, N.L., Ouyang, Z., Cooks, R.G. (2010) “Direct detection of benzene, toluene, and ethylbenzene at trace levels in ambient air by atmospheric pressure chemical ionization Using a handheld mass spectrometer”, Journal of The American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 21, 132-135.

31. Nie, Z., Guangtao Li, Goodwin, M., Gao, L., Cyriac, J., Cooks, R.G. (2009) “In situ SIMS Analysis and Reactions of Surfaces Prepared by Soft-Landing of Mass-selected Cations and Anions using an Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer”, Journal of American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 20, 949-956.

32. Song, Q., Smith, S.A., Gao, L., Xu, W., Volny, M., Ouyang, Z., Cooks, R.G. (2009) “Mass Selection of Ions from Beams Using Waveform Isolation”, Analytical Chemistry, 81, 1833-1840.

33. Keil, A., Hernandez-Soto, H., Noll, R.J., Fico, M., Gao, L., Ouyang, Z., Cooks, R.G. (2008) “Monitoring of toxic compounds in air using a handheld rectilinear mass spectrometer”, Analytical Chemistry, 80, 734-741.

34. Keil, A., Talaty, N., Janfelt, C., Noll, R.J., Gao, L., Ouyang, Z., Cooks, R.G. (2007) “Ambient mass spectrometry with a handheld mass spectrometer at high pressure”, Analytical Chemistry, 42, 675-680.

35. Ouyang, Z., Gao, L., Fico, M., Chappell, W.J., Noll, R.J., Cooks, R.G. (2007) “Quadrupole ion traps and trap arrays: geometry, material, scale, performance”, European Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 13, 13-18.

36. Feng, R.L., Xie, J.F., Lu, J., Hu, H.J., Chen, Y.L., W, D.Y., Gao, L. (2022) “Decoding the mouse spinal cord locomotor neural network using tissue clearing, tissue expansion and tiling light sheet microscopy techniques”, bioRxiv, (https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.07.04.498760)

37. Tang, W.-C.; Liu, Y.-T.; Yeh, C.-H.; Lu, C.-H.; Tu, C.-H.; Lin, Y.-L.; Lin, Y. C.; Hsu, T.-L.; Gao, L.; Chang, S.-W.; Chen, P.*; Chen, B.-C.* (2022) "Optogenetic Manipulation of Cell Migration with High Spatiotemporal Resolution Using Lattice Lightsheet Microscopy", Communications Biology , 5, 879.


1. Chen, Y.L., Li, X.L., Zhang, D.D., Wang, C.H., Feng, R.L., Li, X.Z., Wen, Y., Xu, H., Zhang, Shirley X.Y., Yang, X., Chen, Y.Y., Feng, Y., Zhou, B., Chen, B.C., Lei, K., Cai S., * Jia, J.M., * Gao, L. * (2020) “A Versatile Tiling Light Sheet Microscope for Imaging of Cleared Tissues”, Cell Reports, 33:108349. (*Corresponding Author)


2. Fu, Q., Martin, B.,  Matus, D., Gao, L. (2016) “Imaging  multicellular specimens with real-time optimized tiling light sheet selective  plane illumination microscopy”, Nature Communications,  7:11088.

3.Gao, L.,* Shao, L., Chen, B.C.,  Betzig, E. (2014) “3D Live Fluorescence Imaging of Cellular Dynamics Using  Bessel Beam Plane Illumination Microscopy”, Nature  Protocols, 9, 1083-1011.  (*Corresponding Author, Cover article)

4. Gao, L., Shao, L., Higgins,  D.C., Poulton, J.S., Peifer, M., Davidson, M.D., Wu, X., Goldstein, B., and  Betzig, E. (2012) “Noninvasive imaging of 3D dynamics in thickly fluorescent  specimens beyond the diffraction limit”, Cell, 6, 1370-1385.  

5. Planchon, T.A.,*  Gao,  L.,*  Milkie, D.E., Davidson, M.W., Galbraith, J.A., Galbraith, C.G., Betzig, E.  (2011) “Rapid three-dimensional isotropic imaging of living cells using Bessel  beam plane illumination”, Nature  Methods, 8, 417-423. (*Equal  Contribution, Cover article)

6.Gao, L., Cooks, R.G., Ouyang,  Z. (2008) “Breaking the pumping speed barrier in mass spectrometry:  Discontinuous Atmospheric Pressure Interface”, Analytical  Chemistry, 80,  4026-4032.

7. Feng, R.L., Xie, J.F., Lu, J., Hu, H.J., Chen, Y.L., W, D.Y., Gao, L. (2022) “Decoding the mouse spinal cord locomotor neural network using tissue clearing, tissue expansion and tiling light sheet microscopy techniques”, bioRxiv, (https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.07.04.498760)


1.Gao, L. (2022) “平铺光片选择性平面照明显微镜、其使用方法以及显微镜系统”China Patent granted, (ZL202010279892.9)

2.Gao, L. and Chen, B.C. (2022) “晶格光片显微镜和在晶格光片显微镜中平铺晶格光片的方法”China Patent granted, (ZL201910666767.0)

3. Gao, L. (2022) “平铺光片显微镜及其使用方法”China Patent granted, (ZL201910982252.1)

4.Gao, L. (2022) “一种显微镜组件”, China Patent granted, (ZL201910982247.0)

5. Gao, L. (2022) “Method to keep the excitation light sheet in focus in selective plane illumination microscopy” US Patent granted (US11262306B2)

6.Gao, L. (2021) “Tiling light sheet selective plane illumination microscopy using discontinuous light sheets”, US Patent granted (US10976533B2)

7.Gao, L. (2019) “Method and apparatus for tiling light sheet selective plane illumination microscopy with real time optimized light sheet”, US Patent granted (US10222600B2)

8. Ouyang, Z., Gao, L. Cooks, R.G., (2007) “Discontinuous Atmospheric Pressure Interface”, US Patent granted (US 8304718 B2)

Contact Us

We  have research positions at different levels. We welcome inquiries from anyone in  the biological and physical sciences interested in predoctoral, postdoctoral and  research scientist positions involving the development of new bioimaging, image  analysis technologies and their applications. Creativity, dedication, and the  ability to work collaboratively in a multidisciplinary research group are  expected for all applicants. Experience in optical technology and cell biology,  developmental biology and neurobiology is desired but not essential. Please  email Dr. Liang Gao at gaoliang@westlake.edu.cn for  the detailed information.