
At Westlake, we welcome talented people, outstanding scholars, research fellows, and young scientists from all backgrounds. We expect to have a community of 300 assistant, associate, and full professors (including chair professors), 600 research, teaching, technical support and administrative staff, and 900 postdoctoral fellows by 2026.

Dan Liu, Ph.D.

Dan Liu, Ph.D.

School of Medicine

School of Medicine and School of Life Sciences



Dr. Dan Liu received her bachelor’s degree from the School of Life Sciences at Wuhan University in 2011 and got her Ph.D. from the Department of Basic Medical Sciences at Tsinghua University in 2016. From 2016 to 2023, Dr. Liu joined the Howard Hughes Medical Institute & Department of Microbiology and Immunology at University of California, San Francisco as a postdoctoral fellow. Dr. Liu joined the School of Life Sciences at Westlake University in 2023 as an assistant professor of the Laboratory of Dynamic Immunology and Imaging.



Cancer Research Institute Irvington Fellowship


the Ray Wu Prize


The immunesystem is ahighly heterogeneouscommunity of manycell typeswith unique phenotypic and functional properties. The highlydynamic communicationamong these diverse cell types is important formaintainingtissue homeostasisand ensuring rapidresponsesto foreigninvaders or malignancies. Dr. Liu has made several important achievements in the research of immune cell differentiation and its role in humoral immune response. Ourresearchwill integrate classicalimmunology, computational biology, CRISPR/Cas9-based in vivoscreening and intravital two-photon microscopy inmouse models and human samples, to understandhow immunecells interactwithin their tissues and with surrounding microenvironmentsto maintainhomeostasis, as well ashow dysregulation of these processesleads to immunedisorders and diseases. These studies will allow for regionalized regulation of cells and provide new ideas for vaccine design and immuno-modulatory therapeutics. Our research interests will mainly focus on (but not limited to) the following directions:

1) Molecular mechanism and function of interactionsbetween immune cells and their microenvironment.

2) Development and function of myeloid cells, including DCs, monocytes and macrophages.

3) Immune surveillance against autoimmune diseases and tumors.

Representative Publications

1.Dan Liu, Lihui Duan, Lauren B. Rodda, Erick Lu, Ying Xu, Jinping An, Longhui Qiu, Fengchun Liu, Mark R. Looney, Zhiyong Yang, Christopher DC. Allen, Zhongmei Li, Alexander Marson, Jason G. Cyster. CD97 promotes spleendendritic cell homeostasis throughmechanosensing of red blood cells. Science.2022;375:eabi5965.

2. Lihui Duan*, Dan Liu*, Hsin Chen, Michelle A. Mintz, Marissa Y. Chou, Dmitri I. Kotov,Ying Xu, Jinping An, Brian J. Laidlaw, Jason G. Cyster. Follicular dendritic cells restrict interleukin-4 availability in germinal centers and foster memory B cell generation. Immunity.2021;54(10):2256-2272.

3. Dan Liu*, Jiacong Yan*, Jiahui Sun*, Bo Liu, Weiwei Ma, Ye Li, Xingxing Shao, Hai Qi. BCL6 controls contact-dependent help delivery during follicular T-B cell interactions. Immunity.2021;54(10):2245-2255.

4. Dan Liu, Jiaxi Wu, Jinping An,Jason G. Cyster. Requirements for cDC2 positioning in blood exposed regions of the neonatal and adult spleen.Journal of Experimental Medicine. 2020;217:e20192300.

5. Dan Liu*, Heping Xu*, Changming Shih, Zurong Wan, Xiaopeng Ma, Weiwei Ma, Dan Luo, Hai Qi. T-B cell entanglements and ICOSL-driven feed-forward regulation of germinal centre reaction. Nature.2015;517:214-218.

(*Co-first authors)

Complete publication list:


Contact Us

Email: liudan@westlake.edu.cn

Our group is under preparation, and we are looking forward to your participation sincerely!